Re-starting My Career At 39
I was 39, I’d had a little girl and then we’d been living in Germany for 6 years with my husbands job, now we were back in the UK and it was time to re-start my career.
Why do people leave their jobs
Why do people leave their jobs, and what can you do about it? Let's face it, people leave people. I've known men and women who have stayed in businesses where they felt they weren't being paid their worth, they were being overlooked for promotion or taken advantage of in some way, yet they stayed because of the people they worked with. I've also known others to leave brilliant businesses because of their boss and how they were being treated, they couldn't bear to be around them any longer. Are...
13 Reasons To Work Out The Right Career For You
Deciding on a career change is a big decision and it takes time too as these things don’t happen overnight, especially if you want to do it properly. Getting support to ensure you’re making the right move might seem a bit indulgent and you might find yourself thinking ‘I can do this myself, how difficult can it be?’
Help, I Work For A Bully!
When we talk about bullying we think of children at school, right? Maybe not. What about adults, adults being bullied at work more specifically?
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if the experiences we’re having at work are normal, to be expected, or bordering on something less acceptable.
How am I meant to know what will fulfil me?
How am I meant to know what will fulfil me?Do you ever find yourself wondering, ‘how am I meant to know what I want at work, I don't even know where to start with the answer to that question’? If you find yourself thinking this (and let’s face it you're not alone) here is a simple tool you can use to give you some clarity and you might even enjoy the process too. I'd like to introduce you to a career graph. It's a simple concept where you go right back to the beginning, to the very first role...
Christmas Cheer
Why do we bother to send Christmas cards? It’s one of the many items on our to do list so why don’t we just give ourselves a break and ditch the tradition? The trend this year does seem to be people cutting back altogether on sending cards, and giving the money to charity instead as the costs add up of buying and sending cards.
Nicola Lyle is the Managing Director of Fired Up Leaders and an Executive Coach & Leadership Trainer. She started her career in the drinks industry where she worked for over 15 years in sales and customer marketing. She has been a qualified and practicing coach since 2005, was a trainer for the Ministry of Defence for 3 years in Germany and currently works as a leadership and management trainer working with Executives in a wide range of industries.
Nicola is hugely passionate about helping people to have the career that fulfils and empowers them to live their best life. She offers Executive coaching, group coaching programmes and occasional retreats. Just drop her a line, she’d love to help you get your career on track.