I spoke to a man recently…
I spoke to a man recently who despite being hugely experienced in his field and highly committed to his work, had been told he would have to wait just a bit longer for promotion….he’s already been waiting 4 years!
The tendency in this instance is to think well clearly this isn’t the place for me, they don’t value me so I’m off!
But what if it wasn’t about the business and it was actually about the guy.
What if it was more about how he shows up on a daily basis at work?
Inside we know when our team need more from us, sometimes we just don’t know what that ‘more’ is.
We know when a business has high expectations of us and we’re not delivering, sometimes we just don’t know what we’re missing.
And we know when we have dreams that don’t materialise.
Trying to fix all this on your own is super hard.
We don’t have the objectivity.
We make allowances for ourselves that give us more comfort than the truth.
The thing is that what holds us back in one role will potentially hold us back in another, no matter where it is.
We take our limiting behaviours with us, unless we fix them.
And fixing them will take you further than just your next role.
Become a Fired Up Leader, message me for details.